Thursday, April 4, 2013

Things you think in the dark can consume your light

So, here it is. Almost midnight and I'm laying in my dark room with my iTunes on in the background. I've been stuck in this room for almost a week now and I have to say any place can become a prison if you're forced to stay there for long extended periods of time with little to no contact with those you care about.

I don't know if it's the isolation, this illness, the medicine, or a combination of all, but I've been on an emotional roller coaster lately. My filter's not working as well as it usually does. I don't know, maybe that's a good thing. All I do know is that the more my brain and heart hurt, the more my body hurts. I know I need to stop stressing. It's not all about me and it doesn't revolve around me, but I do help make this thing go round. We all do, in some way or another.

Someone told me to stop worrying about the things I have no control over. My problem is figuring out what I can and cannot control. I can't control people's actions but I can control how I react to them. Here lies another problem: picking your battles. If I keep my mouth shut about things that hurt me, than I appear strong. If, however, I tell anyone any time they hurt me, I appear too high strung and emotional, maybe even bothersome, even if it's true. Where's my middle ground? 

Someone else told me I don't give myself enough credit and that's probably true. I feel like I need to be validated and told that I'm doing a good job and that I matter. Not only told, but shown. And that's bullshit. I shouldn't have to be told that I'm a good person/friend. I know I am. I shouldn't feel like I need that validation either.

If you were to ask me what I'm good at, I would say taking care of others. Take that away, and I'm not sure anymore who I am or what my purpose is. I don't want to stop caring, I just want to stop hurting.